Inflation and Recession

Author : Suma Gopalakrishna


Why is it extreme values of Inflation and Recession being discussed in this portal?

India is a country with 1000s of years of existence and vast history. India got her independence in 1947 from the British invaders and one family is misusing the Indian politics for generations in the name of their forefathers and controlling a powerful political party founded in 1885 with some ulterior motive to be achieved in future by an Englishman although it had a great role in independence movement and many of the freedom fighters had joined this party. This party should have been dissolved immediately after getting independence. Today some European woman who married the grandson of Nehru who was only a participant of freedom movement and who is not an intelligent woman and her equally stupid son and daughter are controlling this powerful party and very substandard men and women have emerged as MLCs, MLAs and MPs from this party that is detrimental to the existence of the Indian society. Also another political association called RSS also a culprit in bringing in substandard men and women with low calibre as MLCs, MLAs and MPs and these low calibre men and women along with the European woman and her offsprings have ruined lives of many intelligent and hard-working Indians. Gangrapes and rapes of elderly people, women and children , thefts of homes of single women all these are because of criminal political intentions of these low calibre people in Indian politics. All these will have a serious negative effects on my country 100 years from now and in order to clean up the Indian politics I have created this portal. And I did not find any other parameters from economics to justify this than inflation and recession.

Let us save our country from 100-100-100 syndrome(100% inflation and 100% recession 100 years from NOW).

Inflation and Recession are two words that every young man and woman must add to his or her vocabulary. Every action of each and every citizen affects these two economic factors. It is not important to only think of your today's existence, but must think how your actions and behaviour are going to affect the existence of people 100 years from now. Because Mahatma Gandhi returned to India and brought entire country together, India could send out the European invaders and today we have become very comfortable in our country. This was 100 years ago. Have we really contributed to the human race that would be existent in our country 100 years from now? This could be measured using parameters explained in economics.



What is the ideal value of inflation?

Is zero percent inflation possible?

What happens if there is zero percent inflation?

What is 100% inflation?

What happens if there is 100% inflation?

No citizen will be able to afford any food item or buy other goods.

Government spending also may become sparse, decreasing the GDP affecting all global factors that is decided by the GDP of the country.

What factors contribute to 100% inflation?



What is the ideal value of recession?

Is zero percent recession possible?

What happens if there is zero percent recession?

What is 100% recession?

What happens if there is 100% recession?

From the noun and its adjective, it means no demand and finally no supply. You will have no vegetables, fruits, rice, dals, pulses and cereals, no goods to be sold in shops, no buyer to buy the goods. It means no citizen will have knowledge and noone to impart knowledge and the country may go back to stone age days.

What factors contribute to 100% recession?

Every job created in private sector companies, contributes to 100% recession.

Students attending tutorials and tuition classes contributes to 100% recession, because of lack of thinking minds.

Every bad teacher with no understanding of the subjects he or she teaches and lack of preparation for teaching the students in school and colleges leads to 100% recession. Because students will learn only some of topics and will not learn the entire subject and this leads to lack of knowledge required in real world.

Bad housewives who are unwilling to do household chores and cooking and having bad behaviour leads to 100% recession on dining tables of households. It is the duty of every housewife to carryon good samskara through generations. Else 100 years from now, the generations will have to reinvent cooking and nutritional diet.

Summarizing factors leading to 100% Inflation and 100% Recession